The global warming theory has gone right out of the window this week. It's now snowing here and I'm wondering weather there is anything in the Climegate scandal of the last few weeks. It's now fingers crossed for a white Christmas, although I think Rebecca was hoping to be able to catch a few rays of sun when she and Matthew arrive on the 22nd. With snow on the ground it's proving very difficult to get on with the garden so Barbara has turned her attention to snagging and painting. It's amazing how many 'little' jobs get overlooked when the sun is shinning and it's only when the weather takes a turn for the worse that it becomes apparent that there is always something that needs a little tweaking and so it was out with the varnish, paint, plaster, sandpaper and mastic again. The change in weather has also meant that the job T and I were about to start has had to be put on hold which is a shame as time is fast slipping past and it'll soon be time for us to head back to the UK for a few months. It has however given me some time to explore the delights of my new MacBook and all the goodies it came with. I've been experimenting with iWeb and have been working, or should that be playing, with a website. Fingers crossed that the next blog post will be on the new website but in the meantime if you click here you can see 'a work in progress'.
The drop in temperature has also meant that the vache that caused so much damage to

With Christmas fast approaching there's been plenty of activity on t'internet. I know it's pretty sad but with delivery to France being only £5.00 there were one or two items that just 'had' to be ordered from M & S. The order was placed on Tuesday and it was quite surreal to see La Poste lady walk to the door on Friday with a box labelled 'Your delivery from Your M & S'. Whilst on the subject of Christmas it looks like these six have heard rumours about the fate that awaits them and are making a break for it!
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