Another busy week with all the screed now laid, downstairs internal walls finished, the first sheets of placo in place & shower trays installed. With things moving a little faster than planned, there's always a first time for everything, Barbara had to hot foot it to VDR & collect three shower trays. It's amazing what you can get in the back of a Yaris. On Monday we'd finished off pointing the front of the barn about 6:00 & with the sun beaming down Thierry asked if we fancied a swim. There wasn't a seconds hesitation in accepting & after a quick shower to remove all the grit of the day it was off for a quick dip in a beautiful pool. The water was a very comfortable 31ºC & after a few strenuous lengths it was off for a quick aperitif. A couple of Ricards later we made to leave but were told that there was plenty of food in the house & we should stay & sample some good home French cooking but there would be no mint sauce! We tucked into a lovely mixed salad, lots of bread, a selection of pickles & what we think was a home-made pork terrine that was so delicious I had seconds which turned out to be a bit of a silly thing to do as what I hadn't realised was that this was our entrée & the ribs, chicken & potatoes that followed were the main course. With cheese and a vanilla slice style pastry for pudding we certainly came away feeling stuffed.
On Monday we had an appointment with an engineer from EDF who we wanted to move the electric meter in the barn. The only problem was that the power currently came in overhead & we knew that EDF would insist on burying the cables. Sure enough the first thing the engineer said was that the road would have to be dug up & a pipe layed to carry the new cable. I pointed out that there was already a pipe in place & they could run another cable through it. 'Non, that is not possible'. I asked Stephané Regourd, who was there working on the first fix electrics in the barn, to ask why & he said there was no point as he is French & works for a state run industry. I can't wait to receive the devis!!
The Fête season is well & truly under way and on Saturday night we were off into VDR again, this time to watch a procession of marching bands and decorated floats & watching the carnival procession pass by reminded me of those hot sunny summer days spent watching Radcliffe carnival pass by. We ate at the same restaurant as last week & although the choice on the set menu was still very limited the sea snails & prawn cocktail starter & roast beef & chips were just as tasty as last week.
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