Friday, 27 August 2010

A Pearl of a weekend

It's tempting to use the phrase 'they said it wouldn't last' but it has. We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on Monday 28th with a weekend in London with Rebecca, Matthew & Jill. We were blessed with great weather and despite the abysmal performance of the England football team we had a great time. Watching the game on Sunday afternoon in a French restaurant in Spittalfields Market was a bit like taking coals to Newcastle but I suppose there was no better place to share our disappointment and bond with our Gallic friends two teams with so much in common; they were crap!
The hotel we stayed at was great although our busy schedule left no time for us to take advantage of the excellent leisure facilities on offer. Perhaps next time. Barbara enjoyed a full day shopping with the help of Rebecca on the Saturday and managed to track down a couple of outfits for forthcoming weddings. The only thing I'd planned to pick up turned out to be in very short supply. Barbara's anniversary present was to be an iPad (honestly it's not for me) but it turns out there are one or two other people after them. Should have reserved one as Mme Hill suggested! Still we're back in the UK again in three weeks so hopefully we'll have more success then.
Back in France we've lost an old member of the family, the Lightweight has gone. I'd had a phone call a couple of weeks ago from someone who was interested enough to send a €500 deposit, a good sign I thought. After a few phone calls a meeting was arranged for Sunday which happened to be fathers day. I think this was a little more than coincidence as when he turned up he was accompanied by his wife and two little girls. I could see dad getting a good Fathers Day present this year. After a quick test drive the deal was done and off they went in a puff of diesel fumes.
We've also been busy with visitors, Ann & John, Barbara's sister, have been with us for a week. The weather could have been better but I think they enjoyed a good relaxing week with the obligatory visits to Cordes-sur-Ciel, VDR market and the Bar de le Plage for coffee. Next week Jane & Derek are here for a few days so it's fingers crossed the current spell of hot weather stays with us.

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