Sunday, 6 April 2008

Fête de gout in Najac

It's been another busy week with two & a half days working with Thierry, digging out the barn floor & selling houses. Last week we'd called in to the local plant hire shop to arrange for the loan of a compressor & pneumatic drill and after a bit of negotiating on the price, which is very expensive here, we booked the equipment from Thursday to Monday. I collected the compressor & drill on Wednesday evening and it was straight on with the work as soon I was back at the house. It's the first time I'd used such a tool and at first progress was pretty slow but after a quick phone call to P for a bit of advice it looked as if I'd be finished with the drill in time to return it on Monday morning. Once the concrete was broken up it was time to load it in to the barrow & dump it out of the rear barn door. It was nearly as much fun as going to the dentist but it did mean we both got a good nights sleep. On Tuesday I'd just finished my 3 hour lunch, we do work until 7:00, when a car with GB plates pulled up at the house next door that Thierry had renovated & was trying to sell. It turned out they were from the North East & were looking for a home in France that they could live in full time once their daughter had finished school in England. They were most impressed with the property & when I mentioned the owner would be calling by in a few minutes they were keen to meet him. Thierry gave them a detailed tour of the houses and they were interested enough to arrange a further visit when they could view plans and photographs of the property before it was renovated. So fingers crossed for Thierry & yet more English in the hamlet of Lagarrigue, poor old Guilbert. On the subject of selling houses we had another visit last week but don't think we'll be getting an offer from them. They thought the gutters ran upwards! The couple who were going to make an offer are still in the picture & are still awaiting exchange of contracts on their UK property at which time they will make an offer on ours, hopefully one we can't refuse.

We had a surprise visitor over the weekend, Rebecca. She'd been able to pick up a cheap flight into Rodez & had decided to spend a very short weekend in the beautiful south of France. Fortunately on Saturday the weather was glorious & she'd be able to return to work on Monday with a very slight red tint. On Sunday there was fête de gout in Najac and Rebecca enjoyed wandering around looking at all the various food and wine stalls & it's just a shame she couldn't take any goodies back with her. Seeing all the duck & other delicacies it reminded me of the van that visits La Fouillade on Tuesday mornings and sells live chickens, rabbits & ducks. We like our food fresh but haven't yet purchased anything from him. We also had another rare treat this week, a curry. G & J who own the house next door arrived on Wednesday & prior to driving down had rang to see if we wanted them to bring anything down with them & I'd said that apart from a couple of jars of Branston a take-away curry would be nice. They'd brought all the ingredients over with them and on Friday we tucked into a lovely chicken jhal fraizi with all the trimmings. It was a great night despite two of the plastic patio chairs they're using while they renovate the house collapsing. No surprise I was in one of them!

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