It wasn't only Jo who served up home grown produce. Many people in the area have a plot in their garden where they grow a few vegetables and have some ducks and chickens and the house we were working at was one of them. One morning when we arrived the owners of the house were up and about early and working hard in the garden preparing lunch and they weren't just picking potatoes. I don't know how many people they were entertaining but the 6 ducks they killed and set about plucking looked big enough to feed the whole of South West France. Anyway I'm sure they were delicious and no doubt washed down with a few glasses of wine. The days of drinking at lunchtime continue here in France and the thought of having just a glass of water or a soft drink are very much frowned on.

I was also lucky enough to be invited to Bruno's birthday celebrations last Sunday which meant that I haven't had to cook since. He'd organised a mini bus to take 18 of us to 'Auberge Beauville' in Espédaillac, a small village an hour away in the Lot. The food was typical cuisine familale et traditionnelle,and there was lots of it. Chicken noodle soup, omelette with wild mushrooms and shaved truffles, coq au vin or chicken with farce, roast lamb and potatoes sautéed in goose fat (again), a selection of cheeses and tarte tartin all of course served with lots and lots of local wine. By anybody standards that would have been enough food to keep you going for the rest of the week but I was also invited to the evening barbecue. I won't bore you with details of the evening's menu but needless to say the food was excellent and the wine flowed and flowed. I've really enjoyed the hospitality of all my hosts, including P & P who invited me in for supper last night, but I'm looking forward to a little of Barbara's home cooking next week.
It does seem to be all about eating and drinking on this weeks blog but I have managed to get several items crossed off my 'to-do' list. All the cut tiles are in place, holes have been filled in the oil and wood store walls, paint has been applied & carpets glued down. I've even found time to do a bit of cleaning & washing. Only problem is I think Barbara has taken the iron with her, well that's my excuse for creased shirts! I'm sure when she gets back on Sunday she'll be point out where it's kept.