Monday and it was back to it for Babs. Before we could make the barn feel completely like home we needed to get the carpet fitted. So with trailer attached it was off to VDR to collect the carpet and by 5:00 Monday it was fitted and looking good. It's typical but just as we'd finished the company we'd ordered the wood burning stove off called to say it had arrived and they would be out on Thursday to install it. They better not make a mess! As it turned out they were really professional and did a fantastic job, it's just a pity that the temperature has been constantly in the mid twenties during the day and with so much insulation in the barn we haven't needed to fire it up (this didn't stop Barbara lighting it on the first night 'just to check it works'). With the stove in place it was time to decamp from the downstairs and finally make the most of the upstairs. Boxes were opened that have been in store for nearly three years (yes I know we've managed without the contents but there are certain things you just can't throw away) and the sofas were brought out of T's barn and manoeuvred in to place. More importantly I was able to get my 'study' sorted and the Hi-Fi in place and working so I can now sit and write the blog in comfort, music playing and with a beautiful view.
Unfortunately I can't spend too much time admiring the view as there is still a fair bit of work to be done. The majority of it's outside so at last we'll have a nice clean and tidy house and I'll have to take my boots off before I'm allowed in! With the temperature reaching 28ºC (yes I've watched the UK weather forecast and know it's lovely there) what better job to start than tiling the terrace in the full blaze of the sun. These are the first floor tiles I've laid unsupervised and even though I say it myself I'm pleased with the way things are going and it won't be long before we can bask in the sun on our beautifully tiled terrace.